VaicAI Socials & Animation
Marketing, Layout & Animation.
Hero image for Suddy's Sauce Socials
During my time contracting with Melbourne design agency, Shoreditch Design Australia, I was tasked with creating Instagram content for AI-powered travel app, VaicAI, in the form of carousel and still styles.
The team at Shoreditch Design Australia designed VaicAI’s branding, phone/tablet apps, as well as the website, and I was asked to create simple animations to be used in specific areas of the apps.
As well as the social media content and animations, I have also worked on a numerous of app screens and flows, a variety of website pages, as well as anything else that pops up.
A selection of Instagram tiles for VaicAi's social media feed
A selection of Travel Guides for VaicAi's Instagram feed
Carousel for VaicAi's travel photo competition, featured on the Instagram feed
Animation for VaicAi's travel assistant, Kaifa, featured on the app
First of six iPad App Store images for VaicAI
Second of six iPad App Store images for VaicAI

The Finished Product

I created a series of social media content for VaicAI, as well as an animation for the travel assistant.
The first of the two design styles consisted of a static-layout photographic post, featuring an lone subject on their travels. An adventure-related phrase is positioned behind the photos’ subject. The second style featured a carousel-layout travel guide to various locations, recommending things to do, places to see, and restaurants to dine at (tying in with the tags you can plan your travels with on the VaicAI app).
Next up is a 10-part carousel spread, which provides a step-by-step guide for entering VaicAI's "Travel Photo & Video Competition". As well as designing the carousel, I also prepared the storyboards for each of the competition videos, and sourced the voiceover to accompany them.
I created two animations to be utilised within the VaicAI app. The first is a static of the app avatar, Kaifa, which has pulsating rings radiating outwards (this is used while the AI is loading when using the app). The second animation is of Kaifa talking, (which activates once the AI has loaded, and moves while the AI-driven content is being generated).
Finally, I created six graphics for the iPad App Store, two of which are presented above. These graphics highlight key aspects of the app which set VaicAI apart from the rest.
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